The Behavioral Health and Racial Equity Initiative (or BeHERE Initiative) envisions an equitable behavioral health system that allows all to thrive. This initiative brings together ÐßÐßÂþ»staff from projects and programs across the organization—trainers, communicators, practitioners, and advocates—to offer bold solutions to advance racial equity in behavioral health.
The BeHERE Initiative website is a hub for behavioral health-related ÐßÐßÂþ»trainings and resources, offering a training and events calendar, a full training catalog, and a curated resource library, all of which are sortable by topic and audience. The website serves as a home for high impact projects like , an immersive learning experience exploring the intersection of opioids, pain, and the workplace (supported through the Occupational Opioid Technical Assistance project, funded by MDPH), and the capacity-build efforts of the Opioid Overdose Prevention Training Project.