Community Health Improvement

ÐßÐßÂþ»­ provides clients with innovative ideas and creative solutions to improve population health, prevent disease and disability, reduce health care costs, and help hospitals, health departments, health centers and more meet reporting guidelines around community health needs. Our approach to assessment, planning, and policy is data-driven, promotes engagement and multi-sector collaboration, and uses a health equity lens.

Policy & Health Systems Improvement

Assessment & Planning

HRiA’s assessment and planning services help hospitals meet their IRS 990 requirements, health departments earn accreditation, and foundations guide their investment strategy. Consistent with best practices in the field, our team uses rigorous qualitative and quantitative methods to understand a community’s assets, challenges and experiences. Strategic engagement of partners and the broader community builds the capacity of clients and their collaborators to create long term and sustainable impacts on health.

ÐßÐßÂþ»­offers clients an understanding of what is happening in the field nationally and lessons learned in other communities.

Learn more about our assessment and planning services.